A downloadable game

Manipulate gravity to move into position and shoot down your opponent in order to win the game! (This is a 2 player game, with player 1 using a keyboard and mouse and player 2 using a controller)

You can change gravity with the jump button (space for keyboard, R1/L1 for controller).
You can move the players left and right with A/D on keyboard and the left stick on a controller.
You can aim with the mouse on keyboard and 
with the right stick on a controller

You can charge the shots with the fire button
 (Left click for keyboard, R2/L2 for controller). 
The more charged the shot, the faster is moves. If a shot hits another shot, 
it they will reduce each others charge, slowing them or even negating the shot outright.

Shots also will bounce off walls! Use this to your advantage!


Orbital Soldiers.zip 18 MB

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